
Topic: Strategy

Entertaining The Sales Reps

Posted by wendys on 125 Points
I have to give a 30 minute presentation to our sales team on our Marketing plan for this year. I really don't want to be boring, as they have to sit through a whole day of presentations. Any ideas for how I can make it exciting or entertaining?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    It will be exciting for them if you give them information that will make them more money or make their lives easier. Focus on the quality of the information/content of your talk, not on the entertainment value.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    If you have a marketing plan, it's going to be stuffed with technical details. I think you can guess that this is not the stuff to keep people awake. Nor is it likely to keep their attention. If you can find a human focus for all this, that puts all this into a real context you might just find that people start talking about it.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    As for technique, tell a story. Interesting (and relevant) stories engage the audience at a deep level. Just make sure that they can see themselves in the hero's role.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Tell jokes. Get people laughing. Get them receptive, then hit them with three knock your socks off ideas they can put into practice within 24 hours—ideas that will double their conversions.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Are you absolutely sure you need to present 30 mins worth of information in a long-day? How about taking the group for a small walk & informal talk? How about meeting in a park and talking about their problems/needs? If you have something to impart, put it on a single sheet of paper, and distribute it.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    for some great examples of short presentations, you might want to watch a dozen or more videos from

    Avoid lots of text on slides. Tell stories. Provide information they can actually use. Share success stories if possible. Use colorful and visually striking graphics.

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