
Topic: Research/Metrics

Looking For Phd Scope In Market Research

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am Arnab, a Post Graduate in Physics (specialization in Statistical Physics and a year long dissertation in Stochastic Methods), currently working on a Market Research Company. I have an inclination to Mathematics, Statistics and programming. So can you kindly provide me any information on PhD scopes in Market Research emphasizing on the Methodological part of the field. I would like to pursue the PhD along with the job and hence not looking for any scholarship associated with it. Currently I am located in Baroda. So any kind of info will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Hi Arnab,

    Physics is a great background for going into quantitative marketing (though chemistry is even better - these consumers are behaving probabilistic like molecules!). A great substantive area right now is digital marketing analytics. Several method advances are needed to get marketing insights from the big data gathered online....

    Cheers and all the best with your PhD

    Prof Koen Pauwels
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Not completely clear on your question, but recently been reading about employing fractal math for stock marketing forecasting. Try using a few keyword phrases, e.g. "marketing research fractal mathematics approach" in a "google scholar" search. Perhaps it will give you some useful information.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Koen Pauwels has given you good direction -- digital marketing analytics. It's a rapidly expanding field and it can use innovative new approaches that are not likely to come from folks who don't have a strong grounding in math, statistics and programming.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Yes, digital marketing analytics is a rapidly expanding field, without doubt. I've just started reading about how "fractal analytics" is representing the latest advances in target marketing analytics. Don't know how this will help you, but hope that it does.

    Article link:

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