
Topic: Strategy

Email To Update Customers Of New Job And Offerings

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I recently left my position to go work for the competition. I would like to send out an email to all my customer base and let them know where I'm at and what this company has to offer. I'm not how to go about it and keep it simple.
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    You haven't really described you full story situation, but I would be careful with contacting this customer list. I suggest you call each one and personally tell them what's going on before sending emails.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    I agree with Steve. You might also want to think about "your" customer base. Technically, those customers may only be yours if you generated a great relationships with them that they see as being worth switching to a new suipplier for.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Are "your" customers on YOUR email list - or does this email list belong to your old company? If the latter, you're in dangerous waters.
  • Posted on Author
    This contact list was generated before and during my time at my previous employer. They are part of my contact list on my phone. I've rapport with at least 99% of these people. Maybe I need to clarify and add that the products that I now offer cannot be offered by my previous employer. Same industry, different products. Hope this helps.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Now: what did your last company say about the privacy of their customers emails? I presume your phone actually belongs to you.

    After all if you have a good rapport with these people, why aren't they phoning/emailing you??

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