
Topic: Other

How Can I Get A Sponsor For My New Organisation

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Hi everyone

I have recently opened up my organizations named nurturing talents and we do much more activities and how can I get a sponsor
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    What kind of talent do you nurture and for whom? What do you mean by "activities"?
  • Posted on Author
    Okay we promote all plying football singing playing netball playing volleyball swimming and tthe activities we do are community work etc
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Why do you need a sponsor? Playing football needs a ball and some coats to mark the goal posts. Singing needs less - you can promote talents just by gathering people in one space, it costs nothing.

    There was a cricket team on our farm. We did have a bat ... but we weren't playing the professional league.

    I think we need to know more ...
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    Make people and organizations see some value to them in sponsoring you. Put on a "show". Attract eyeballs. Do some activities to benefit some local groups, get your name in the news. Anything you can do to publicize (positively) your business. Make yourself newsworthy and visible, have some articulate member(s) give an interview on radio or newspaper.
    A potential sponsor must see some value in sponsoring them that they'll be associating with a popular, eyeball-attracting group of performers. Provide a demonstrably great product, then ask for the sale. Show them the value and they will show you the money.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Through social media.Social Media play an important role for Sponsor your New Organization

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