
Topic: Research/Metrics

Reach / Frequency Curve Formula

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Does anyone know the television Reach/frequency formual. I know if you divide your total reach by the total DMA you get a reach number. but this formula will not work if say you are buyinga market that has 100,000 TV households.. a GRP would represent 1,000 viewers. Once you purchase 100 grp's according to the above formula you would be purchasing a 100% Reach.. Not! Anyway, the software I use, SmartPlus auto calculates this for me but I would be interested in knowing how to do it manually. does anyone have the "curve" formula for this problem..

Thanks Steve
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted

    There's a good article on this subject at and another one here and .

    I thought in the US 1 Reach Point = 1 million viewers (which means households, anyway). So if you bought 100 GRP you would be reaching 1 million people(households) 100 times, or, 100 million people 1 time, or somewhere in between (or some extrapolation thereof).

    I don't think it makes sense to attempt to drill into this amorphous lump and would prefer to see a reach profile for each media appearance in the flight overlaid on a market segmentation and aggregated by segment.

    That way you can start to gain an understanding of who you are actually reaching, as well as frequency.

    These ratings that are used to "measure" reach are also pretty flaky. The model has remained fairly constant for about 50 years, although innovations such as set-top boxes have helped, you still can't be sure who's in front of the box for any particular show, whether they are paying attention, go to the bathroom, video tape to time-shift, or whether it's just their TiVo watching something it thinks they might like, but don't ever watch!

    There seems to be as many different formula as there are opinions. I think what's most important here is getting the ad in front of the right people, so segmentation to define the correct target audience, coupled to careful media planning is really crucial to your success.

    follow it up with ad recall research and use that to feed back into your future media plans.

    Then, as we say in Australia, "You'll be right!"

    Hope this helps.


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