
Topic: Other

Best Book/resources On Branding You'd Recommend?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am a Marketing Manager and want to learn more about Branding. I am considering the Brand Manager career path, but I'd like to learn more about branding first. Besides reading articles on MarketingProfs, I'd like to know:

- What is the best book on branding for someone who does have some experience in this field?

- Which experts in branding should I follow?

- Which blogs/websites/guides would you recommend I read?

Let me know what you recommend. Since the nature of online marketing is ever-changing, I normally read articles and listen to podcasts, but I think I shouldn't ignore books either. Thank you in advance for your help - if you have questions please let me know.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Here's a list of books that should be on your list:
  • Posted by Anonymous on Author
    Thanks mgoodman. I noticed that most of those books were written in 1999 or 2000. What about books on branding written after 2010? I would think they would be more relevant since the emergence of social media and would take into consideration newer technologies? Or are those books still very relevant and applicable today?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    You'll find the top list for books on branding on Amazon here:

    I'll get back to you with further resources tomorrow.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The principles of BRANDING per se have not changed. The media have evolved, of course, but brand strategy and the essence of branding are the same as they have always been. Don't confuse COMMUNICATION, and marketing communication in particular, with branding.

    Branding is something that happens in customers'/consumers' minds, not something a marketer does. Marketers can do things that impact what consumers think, but BRANDING isn't what marketers say, it's what consumers perceive and believe. The way [consumers'] brains work at that level hasn't changed much.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    The Brand Channel updates their branding book recommendations on a regular basis —

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