
Topic: Social Media

How To Drive Likes Using The Team's Fb Networks?

Posted by f.ruecker on 150 Points
Hi everyone, Hi experts,
I'm working for a small social start-up. We urgently need to increase the likes of our fanpage so that our posts have a higher reach. Since we have a large team, my thought was that the "lowest hanging fruit" for this would be to use their individual reach by..
a) having each team member promote our fanpage on their timeline
b) making each team member admin of the page, so that they then can invite all of their friends to like the page and it'll say "bob invites you to like HIS page"
c) having each team member reach out to 2-3 of his/her friends who liked the fanpage and ask them to promote our fanpage on their own timeline

To me this should be an easy way to increase our reach. Can someone comment on whether this makes sense, what details or challenges to consider and how to maximize the impact of this approach? Anything else you'd do to make this successful? I don't want to bother my team members with a half-baked approach.

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Ultimately, you'll run into the question, "Why should someone like your fanpage?" If it's likes for simply having more likes, that's not a good long-term strategy. Depending on what you business offers the public, consider an appropriate contest and/or deeply relevant material (so they won't want to miss your future posts). Give your target audience a compelling reason to like your page. What's in it for them?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Jay has hit the nail on the head. (He's good at that!)

    "Likes" for their own sake are useless. Better to have likes because people really LIKE your page and find it full of useful information. Instead of "Like my page (as a favor to me)," how about "Check out my page and see if you find it useful. If so, perhaps you know others who may be interested."

    That puts the onus where it belongs -- on YOU, to create a page that is truly useful for your target audience.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Third what Jay said. Content people want access to or relevant contest would be better as ways to get people who Like the page and really want to see what you have to say.

    Facebook has reduced the value of Likes over the past few years, and likely will continue to do so. What they want is for you to pay to get access to the people who have Liked. They do use an algorithm of who to show based on a bunch of things, including their interaction with our site. So having people who actively like thinks or comment on your page means that these people are more likely to see what you post in the future. Someone who comes and likes once but never does anything more likely won't see anything more, so not much value to you.

    Of course, you could bike the bullet and pay Facebook to show your posts to more.

    Plus also employees may not like being forced to post this out to their friends, so doing your initial thoughts may have added backlashes/costs. You could ask folks if they are willing, but I wouldn't pressure. Facebook is a personal thing for most, and some want to keep home and work separate.

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