
Topic: Research/Metrics

Calculating Open Rate Overtime

Posted by adamkirbyart on 250 Points
I'm creating a benchmark for email open rates for my business based off of 12 months of email data. Should I use an average open rate or a total open rate (sum of unique opens / sum of total delivered)?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Is this benchmark internal only? In what context will you be sharing the information?
    Average open rate is more easily compared. Total open rate is more useful internally (where people already understand the email send volume).
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    It depends on how you will use the findings and draw conclusions that will lead to actions. Neither measure is inherently "better" than the other.

    What will you use the benchmark for? How will you act on what you learn by having a benchmark?
  • Posted by adamkirbyart on Author
    Thanks for the replies. I'll use the benchmarks to set goals internally. Looking at the data closely and total open rate appears to better represent the data vs. the average which is a bit high compared to what we typically see on a daily basis. We'll likely switch to total for goal setting.

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