
Topic: Strategy

Reaching Customers And Resellers For New B2b Site

Posted by Anonymous on 800 Points
The shoe is on the other foot this time. Having answered a number of KHE questions myself, I understand the importance of specific detail in the question. So grab a cup of coffee sit back and consider suggestions for my little tale ...

My marketing/design firm has recently launched a new online storefront which we have branded as the one stop shop for total marketing communications and point of purchase graphic solutions. We offer "big agency" solutions with Mom and Pop service. Hence the name ... [inactive link removed].

The site includes an online storefront full of pre-specified design projects, large format graphics, portable trade show exhibits, and retail display hardware. It also includes a gallery, newsletter, file downloads and discussion forums. The real power of this Intranet is the ability to create client accounts for accessing private calendars and file-share directories.

Our goal is to 1) Establish a reseller base of graphic designers, event planners, and marketing consultants who will receive steep discounts, and 2) Target marketing managers and small business/store owners in need of professional turnkey graphic design and production. Both would be able to use our Intranet for uploading artwork, checking proofs, tracking projects, etc.

OK, enough background. We've just successfully completed the first phase of our launch plan -- a local roll-out and direct marketing efforts to existing clients. The second phase is to go national now that we've identified and addressed certain issues.

I'm offering 800 points, not only because I made you read all this but because the question is two-fold:
1) How do we best reach freelance creative types and consultants with the key messaging that they can make more money, serve their clients better, and save time by reselling proven graphic products that we have already specied and priced for them?

2) How do we best reach corporate marcom managers, startup businesses, small manufacturers, store owners, and travelling presenters/exhibitors in need of professional display solutions?

NOTE: I am not looking for a website critique. This may be a seperate question. The site has been intentionally designed as a user friendly, fun environment. All feedback has been positive. Many have called it "very shoppable".

Finally ... We plan to proceed with our national launch plan after the holidays. We are currently implementing various SEO tactics. We're considering a Google Adwords campaign. We plan to saturate the trade pubs (design & small biz - suggestions welcome) with target-focused PR. And we are taking a guerilla approach with targetted story pitches at rural papers and pubs to reach designers and businesses in small-town USA. All feedback is welcome in addition to other suggestions.

So, how many points do I get for writing the longest question? ;-)

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Hi Jim,

    Perhaps if you started by telling us how you would answer questions #1 and #2, then others could chime in with their comments,

    hope this helps,

    - Steve
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    You could explore the Chamber of Commerce system from national to local websites.

    The U.S. Chamber partners with several large companies e.g. FedEx, Office Depot, but this is probably not an option for your business. However local chambers might prove to be a great way to reach your targets with the extra credibility of being associated with the chamber.

    The State level

    Otherwise some combination of email broadcasts to targeted rented lists and SEO including Paid Google would be the way I’d go.

    Hope this helps,

    - Steve
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Your site is down.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Agreda,

    1) How do we best reach freelance creative types and consultants with the key messaging that they can make more money, serve their clients better, and save time by reselling proven graphic products that we have already specied and priced for them?

    Answer: It takes time, but what about good old-fashioned sales- call them up, explain your features and benefits, get them on your email marketing list, entice them with an offer they can't refuse to try you out and stay in contact with them.

    I think before you get them to become active resellers, they need to be exposed to and try out your products.

    2) How do we best reach corporate marcom managers, startup businesses, small manufacturers, store owners, and travelling presenters/exhibitors in need of professional display solutions?

    Answer: Same way.

    Seriously, along with all the ideas above, sometimes you just gotta get out the old leather shoes. It looks like you are in a big metro area - San Francisco? Lots of business to get word of mouth going.

    Do you have any outside sales people?

    I also looked over your e-newsletter section. If this is what you are emailing out to people. you need to improve on this, I don't think your current format is going to help you out as much as it could.

    Google AdWords as mentioned is a good idea, but just don't think about it on a nationwide basis. GeoTarget some metro areas and pump your keyword bid up so you get a 3-5 ranking in these areas.

    Design specific landing pages, don't sent then to your existing website pages or you will loose conversions and customers.

    Just some brief comments if you haven't already thought about them.

    Contact me offline if you want to discuss these strategies in detail, especially email marketing and the pay-per-click/SEM marketing.

    I hope that helps, and your business/site does look like it has a lot of value, I'm going to spend some more time browsing later, good stuff for me to know about as I always run across companies looking for graphic and marcom solutions.

    I hope that helps!

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