
Topic: Social Media

Regarding Facebook Events With Multiple Hosts

Posted by telemoxie on 1000 Points
We are promoting an event via Facebook. We have set up a Facebook event page, and I am a cohost of the page. I've invited people I know, and I have recruited another person with a different set of "friends" to be a cohost as well.

My question is: when another host sends an invite, If that invite is sent to a person who is not one of my "Facebook friends", is not included in the count of invitations sent which I can see?

Is there any way that I can determine who and invitation has been sent to, if that person is not yet one of my "Facebook friends"?

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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    "Is there any way I can determine who an invitation has been sent to?"

    No. Not really. Not unless you have access to your friend's account.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You cannot look at anyone else's list. You can, I believe, specify that you do not want to send your ad/post to anyone who has already received it. That is essentially de-duping the combined list(s).

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