
Topic: Research/Metrics

Media Buying Plans

Posted by selma.nametak on 125 Points
How to find out when do companies do their media buying plans? How far in advance are these plans made?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Most companies do it annually. I think most decide in the fall what they plan to do for the following year, though some may be following a different financial year with a different quarter starting the year (for example, the US government generally follows a year that starts in July and ends in June).

    Some companies don't have their processes strictly set, so may decide on advertising as they go and not have strict budgets.
  • Posted on Moderator
    Most set budgets and overall strategies when they do their annual planning -- tied to when their fiscal year begins. As the media commitments are due, they make decisions about the specific allocations and consider whether the overall plan needs to be reviewed or adjusted.

    How far in advance? It can be as long as a year or as short as a week or two, depending on a number of factors.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Annually. I've bene working on my plan for 2017 for the last few weeks. By March of 2017 I'll be looking at 2018 and into 2019.

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