
Topic: Other

Project Management And Crm

Posted by rodneyankney on 250 Points
I am the Operations Director of a 60+ employee Full-Service Marketing Agency (everything from Digital to Print, Radio and TV Production). We are looking for a CRM and Project Management solution to keep all tasks on time and to keep track of out customers.

We have 80-100 clients and vertical in the Home Furnishing Industry.

We would like a system that:
Allows Clients to See Progress of Tasks
Keep the company on track of projects
House client information (emails to and from clients, phone call notes, etc...)
Digital Proofing

What Project Management / CRM solution would you suggest and why?
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  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    You could get the ball rolling by telling what you've looked at and liked/disliked about them.

    I worked for a while with Basecamp and remember thinking there had to be something better (YMMV).
  • Posted by rysonowensseo on Member
    Hey Mike, what did you dislike about Basecamp? Just curious. I'm also deciding between a few different CRM's, and BAsecamp is one of them.
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    That's the problem. I've only ever used BC. I found navigation not intuitive.
    (I was only an occasional user.) The admins seemed to like it...and they did do some trialing. I'm hoping someone else chimes in on this—now I'm curious.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Thanks for your question. It's a great question. It's been asked before on this forum. Unfortunately, I have never heard of really good glowing recommendation for any particular solution.

    If you like, you can review previous discussions by running a Google search on the following:
    Project Management Software site:

    I used to use ACT! 2005 as a contact management system. Of course, it is no longer supported. But it could do a lot of helpful things. You can track contacts, and tasks, and set up customized reports, And create forms, and set up alarms, and customize fields, and so forth. If you were to use a similar system, you might not be able to allow customers to directly interface with the software. But you can run reports for them. You can keep detailed notes On tasks and conversations and meetings and commitments and so forth. You can track vendor information. You can do a lot of helpful things.

    You can also take a look at Goldmine. I haven't looked at it lately, but I understand it is still available as a software license to be installed on your computer rather than all this cloud-based nonsense.

    If you find the magic answer, please post it here, lots of people are looking for it.

    This is an area of interest to me personally. If you like to talk about this further, no charge, send me an email with your contact information (my email address on my profile page).

    Good luck, and take care.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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