
Topic: Branding

Tailoring & Alterations Shop Needs More Business

Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on 250 Points
My custom tailoring & alterations business fluctuates during the seasons. I would like to add another service or product to the business when the sewing work slows down. I design and sew recycled denim and canvas products, accessories and a few clothing.And a collection of aprons of many styles. I often think of manufacturing my own products.

How can I incorporate my collections and one- of- a kind clothing under on roof using a different name or the same business name? The apron collection have it's own label and domain name. I was going to use the domain name except the name doesn't include the other collection and clothing , which I would like to add with the apron collection. It was suggested I open an online store.
Any suggestion s for a name , advise on growing the business would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Just use your name. Use Instagram and Facebook to test for people who might be interested in your wares. Then, set up a simple webpage with an order and payment link.
  • Posted by cookmarketing@gmail. on Accepted
    What time of year and 'off season,,,what country?
  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    We are open year round and located in the U.S. The off season varies. .
  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    We are open year round and located in the U.S. The off season varies. .
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If the domain name is generic enough, you can add additional products without confusion.

    If the name is specific, and the items you're considering are different and wouldn't fit under the existing domain, then you'll need a new business/domain name. Perhaps consider an umbrella name, so that each of your product lines would be in the overall "family."
  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    Hi Gary Bloomer,

    I thought your suggestion of using my name and setting up a page on Facebook. My tailoring business has a Facebook page and my name is attached . Is it possible to have two Facebook pages with my name attached to both. I'm testing a Facebook page out now using just my name and it seems to connect to my Tailoring business page if you click on my name. Otherwise I like your idea.
    I'll keep at it to see what works.

    Thank you,
    . .
  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    Hi Jay Hamiton,
    From the looks of it I will need a new name. All of my products will not fit under the same domain .
    I like the idea of the umbrella. Now for coming up with a new name will be challenging. Any suggestions.
    Gary Bloomer's suggestion of using just my name is good only if I can have two Facebook page with my name attached. I have a business Facebook.

    The name is different , but my name is attached.The new Facebook page seems to be crossing with my other page if I click on my name. I'll keep working with it. If you have any other suggestions please let me know.

    Thank you,
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    I don't think there's anything to stop you having two Facebook pages if the new page is a business or group page. I know of several dozen people who do this. You may need to set up a standalone email address for the new page. Other than that, I suggest you go for it and see what happens. Be sure though to set up some way of capturing email addresses so that you're building an asset to which you can then message over time.
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    I provide advertising services to dry cleaners, many of whom also offer tailoring and alterations services. I'm a former dry cleaner myself. Season fluctuations happen as clothing is very cyclical. Spring and Fall are typically the busiest seasons, with little lifts on back to school rush and Christmas.

    Dips in demand happen, and those dips happen in manufacturing too. I think you might find that your products peak demand will coincide with your seasonal upswings.

    You can have as many facebook pages as you want, so if you wished, you could do a separate facebook page for aprons, a separate facebook page for sewing classes, etc.

    By the way, many of my dry cleaning clients are telling me its getting harder and harder to find skilled tailors and seamstresses. You may want to consider reaching out to your local dry cleaners and see if they will outsource their sewing and repair needs to you. A few dry cleaners outsourcing to you on a wholesale basis may drive your highs higher.

    Customer Loyalty Network and Drycleaners University
  • Posted by sewatseams custom tailor on Author
    Hi Darcy,

    You are right on target, when I opened my tailoring & alterations business in 2007, I frequented many of the businesses in and around the community passing out my cards to businesses and individuals who I thought they could use my services.Two are dry cleaners and one is a combination dry cleaner and laundromat . All of the sewing and repair is done offsite and it takes 3 weeks to complete and returned to the customer. They requires the clothing be cleaned by them first before they will do any sewing or repair on them even if the clothing are clean or just purchased with the tags still on.

    This is a no-no for most of their customers so the clerks who work there refer the sewing & repair customers to me. I kept the dry cleaners supplied with my business cards for several years and on occasion I will stop in a drop off more cards.

    The other dry cleaners is within a five minute walk from my door offers very limited sewing onsite and will send new customers my way to do the more complex sewing jobs. And in return when a customer ask me for a good cleaners I send business their way.

    A new mall opened in my neighbor just two months after I opened my tailoring shop in 2007, One of the people that stop in my shop to have tailoring done on her new clothing was going to be the new manager of JC Penny's men's department, she said JC Penny would not have a tailor at the store because they are hard to find..
    She ask if I would be interested in working there hemming pants. I had to decline her offer and instead said they can refer the customers to my shop. she agreed and from that day and ten years later an occasional JC Penny customer will stop by to have a suit, dress or other garment to be tailored.
    There is also a Macy's department store nearby a David's Bridal, some find their way to my shop through word of mouth or they will google me.
    But it's seasonal and offering other sewing services will fill in the gap when business slows on the tailoring & alterations side.

    I took all advice from the forum and was able to set up more than one Facebook page, using my name for one page the other page I gave it the actual name of what it is and was able to get the matching domain.
    I also set-up emails with similar names to capture my messages.I won't need a new business name after all.

    All of you have been of such a great help with your experience and knowledge. I can't begin to tell you how it's all beginning to make sense and the pieces are finally falling into place...I knew you could help me..

    Thank you very much,

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