
Topic: Strategy

Pta Membership Drive Tag Line

Posted by tinanyt on 125 Points
Need to engage parents to join PTA. Need tag line to motivate and get folks to join
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Why should parents that aren't currently members of the PTA join?
    What don't they know about the organization that would dramatically affect their lives?

    Rather than try to craft some clever wording, why not talk to those that aren't PTA members to learn why they aren't and how the PTA might do better to attract them.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I agree with Jay's last recommendation. A tagline that doesn't address the reason they haven't joined yet isn't much better than no-tagline. Where would your target audience see or hear the tagline? What would they need to know to decide to join? How does PTA membership benefit them or their children?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    A tag line alone won't accomplish your goals: there needs to be more than simply a tag line. What specific objectives are you planning here?
  • Posted by Rick on Accepted
    Why did your current members join, this is where you need to start? If you are going to use multiple different programs to reach different type of prospective members, you may be able to tailor your message based on your target audience. If you hand out flyers at sporting events your audience already shows interest in their kids, so you may want to build on this.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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