
Topic: Other

Motivate Staff To Use Our Intranet

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
With on site and off site staff in our 400-strong company I have a problem with motivating staff to use the intranet and post articles themselves
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Oh boy, been there!

    This is a good article (, what I did for my old company was:

    1. Promoted it internally as the "best in breed" intranet in the UK, it had loads of content and so probably was in its time.

    2. Put all corporae info on it, and send out emails linking to documents/policies etc

    3. Put all corporate forms on it

    4. Started a local and national news section to try to drive people to it.

    5. Put the corporate directory on the intranet to drive traffic through it

    6. Used it for staff training

    Over a 6-9 month period, we found that people wanted to use it.

    Good Luck
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Driving them there with great and useful content is a natural, "must-do".

    However, you can get the technology on your side and working for you, too!

    Set the intranet home page as their default home page in every users web browser. Assuming there is a Standard Operating Environment, this will be easy to set and maintain automatically.

    Get your IT boffins to set Internet Explorer to open automatically on start-up. That way, every time the switch on, up pops the intranet home page!

    If the intranet home page is different per site or department, get that aspect included into the user profile (IT guys help required here) so the page that opens is relevant to the user who just logged in!

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