
Topic: Strategy

Positionning Of Michelin Vs. Bridgestone In World

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am trying to understand what is the positioning of Michelin tyres vs. Bridgestone's in the world.
How are they perceived by the customers and why?
How do they position themselves through advertising ?
What are they respective claims...

Thanks a lot
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    This sounds like a homework assignment, so I am moving it to the Student category.

    Have you visited the Important Guidelines page? Please go there and read everything, especially ITEM FIVE. It might help you understand how to reframe your question, which you can do by adding your own comments to this thread.

    Your instructor assigned this to do the analysis yourself, not find someone to do it for you.

    If you share your thoughts about your homework here, we'll be happy to offer you feedback.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Okay, Chloe, I'll put it in the Strategy category, but it will STILL be important to the Experts here to understand what your own thoughts are on your question.

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