Topic: Our Forum
The Seemingly Imbalanced State Of Our Forum
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Top 25 Experts
(Our Forum)
- SteveByrneMarketing 7,949 points
- Jay Hamilton-Roth 6,694 points
- Gary Bloomer 6,583 points
- telemoxie 4,998 points
- Peter (henna gaijin) 3,027 points
- Frank Hurtte 2,743 points
- NovaHammer 2,734 points
- Harry Hallman 2,612 points
- Deremiah *CPE 2,468 points
- Pepper Blue 2,307 points
- Valerie Witt 2,264 points
- Chris Blackman 2,085 points
- SRyan ;] 1,978 points
- steven.alker 1,937 points
- darcy.moen 1,821 points
- Blaine Wilkerson 1,309 points
Most of you will be aware that I had to take a break from the KHE for some years and Shelly and the team have kindly restored my Expert Points.
When I returned, I was surprised to see that the forum had become a lot less involved in the more complex and difficult areas of marketing. It appeared now to be dominated by trite questions about Taglines, Straplines, Company Names, and Slogans. It seems at first second and third glances to have become a place which wants to deprive small advertising agencies of their business.
Now, these items are important - get them wrong and you can appear foolish or get sued by the owner of an innocent suggestion made here and adopted by the questioner.
However, in modern marketing, this subject consists only about 5% of the whole of the marketing mix as covered by MarketingProfs. Questions about the right, e-Marketing, Strategy, CRM or the right way to approach metrics are far more important to the modern marketing function, along with SEO. Getting a professional firm to answer these more complex questions can incur a hefty charge - days of work to give someone a clue at $1,600/day. That is where we used to be so helpful. Questions about a tagline can be dealt with for $45 and a company name for $500 (Because the legality needs checking, stupid!!)(And the meaning in other languages, if you don't want to christen your new Car "Donkey Shit", in Spanish - Rolls Royce!!)
I am not attempting to be exhaustive or get the order right, but a number one priority in the world of modern marketing ain't Taglines.
However, as the scientist, Rutherford observed, "Qualitative is a poor form of Quantitative"
So I looked at the forum statistics to come up with numbers - from the advanced search page. Now this place has never been a good place to post tables of numbers, but I will do my best. I have listed all the forum topics in the order I wrote them down. Then I have listed the number of questions asked since 2004 (There will be some discrepancies because topic headings have changed over the years, but that is of little significance: They still all add up to 49,495 with is close to the headline figure quoted on the KHE page)
Somehow, the item of 5% relevance has achieved top listing. Other items of great importance are way down the listings by questions asked in the KHE. How has this happened?
I would like to ask my colleagues to look at the figures I will print below and rank them in their own order of importance - their importance to Marketing as a whole and to Marketing as presented by MarketingProfs. The two really should be the same, so don't bother to come up with two sets of rankings.
To make this easy, I have numbered the topics 1-16 and would like to ask you to rank them, 1-16 again in the order that you see them being of importance to modern marketing in 2019. (Just copy and paste my table and put in your own rankings)I certainly would not put Taglines/Names up at No 1 which is where it sits when ranked by questions asked.
In my Operational Research (OR) work, I use Optimisation via Linear Programming (LP) to Optimise a company's offerings subject to its profitability and the constraints in making or supplying that product. It can be ruthless and will wipe out an entire group of products because it is simply not profitable to make or sell them (Applies to services as well, including the MarketingProfs Management Model). The CEO of the company then has a choice: Make and supply the product and make less profit, Kill the product, or let it wither on the vine through lack of promotion and care and attention. The latter is often chosen to avoid marketplace disruption.
From an OR perspective, it looks like someone like me has been into MarketingProfs HQ and the latter is happening to the KHE. Death by trivia.
Well, to keep Lord Rutherford Happy, Here are the figures, if they survive the text interface!! Bear with me if I need to edit.
Oh, one last point. It would be good to see, and useful to MarketingProfs Management to look at, the time series for each forum topic heading from 2004 through to 2018, topic by topic and year by year. I suspect that it will show a snowballing balooning of tagline questions whilst the really important areas are neglected.
Topic Posts Position by Importance.
1 Taglines/Names 13336 16
2 Advertising 5733 5
3 Strategy 5377 2
4 Student Questions 5189 10
5 Other 2774 15
6 Branding 2689 6
7 E-Marketing 2567 2
8 Research/Matrics 1761 1
9 Career/Training 1612 7
10 Website Critique 1321 8
11 Customer Behaviour 944 3
12 Copywriting 740 9
13 SEO/SEM 590 4
14 Social media 372 2 (eq)
15 Just for Fun 274 12
16 Our Forum 216 9
Total 45495
OK, YOur turn:
Using a score from 1 to 16, let me know in what order you would prioritize these topics and if Taglines/Names is not No 1, then how on earth did we let the forum make it the most popular area of questions asked?
Right, that's me probably banned as a troublemaker!!!