Topic: Research/Metrics
Making Sense Of Van Westendorp Pricing Data
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Hoping that someone in this community can walk me through the process. Here is what I did:
Step 1
Original results from the raw data
Price Too Cheap Bargain Expensive Too Expensive
100 77% 25% 0 0
150 15% 45% 12% 10%
200 5% 19% 31% 20%
250 2% 8% 26% 29%
300 1% 1% 18% 21%
400 1% 1% 9% 13%
450 0 1% 3% 7%
Step 2
I did a cumulative adding of values for each column (started adding together from the bottom for TC and B, adding from top down for E and TE)
Price Too Cheap Bargain Expensive Too Expensive
100 100% 100% 0% 0%
150 24% 75% 12% 10%
200 9% 30% 43% 30%
250 4% 11% 69% 59%
300 2% 3% 87% 80%
400 1% 2% 96% 93%
450 0% 1% 100% 100%
Step 3
Change Bargain and Expensive to Not Bargain and Not Expensive by reversing order of values in those two columns
Price Too Cheap Not a Bargain Not Expensive Too Expensive
100 100% 1% 100% 0
150 24% 2% 96% 10%
200 9% 3% 87% 30%
250 4% 11% 69% 59%
300 2% 30% 43% 80%
400 1% 75% 12% 93%
450 0 100% 0% 100%
When I plug the data into a chart, I get a narrow margin of cheapness/expensiveness, and the Optimal and Indifference prices fall outside the margin.
I'd be grateful to anyone who can give me pointers or correct where I'm going wrong in the process.