
Topic: Strategy

Marketing To A Specified Group

Posted by Anonymous on 400 Points
I have a database of 100 consumers of a fast moving consumer product. I want to develop a website that facilitates only those specific group of people. In what number of ways can I be helpful ? What are the things that I should provide them on the website? They are getting all the support and info from a established call center. In addition to that how can a website be useful to them? Build relathionship among the brand users? I can't mass advertise or market my brand because of some restrictions and only that group should access the website. It should not be open for public. Only those who have consented us.
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Be interested in knowing what product your marketing.
    Age range of consumers, gender etc

    As it is a consumer product, then maybe a site with a lifestyle slant, and just look at what P&G have recently launched with their Fresh Living website.

    Who would have thought we would need a relationship with a cleaning product!
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    A friend of mine added an open blog to her company website (see, and it's amazing how the customer base uses it. They communicate with the Frogpad staff AND with each other about the product. To me, it looks like a blend of tech support and fan club.

    If you are looking to support your 100 customers as well as building community, that might be an approach worth exploring.
  • Posted on Accepted
    MRowland was definitely riding my train of thought about the webcast. I also agree that dealing directly with the 100 that are already on board would probably be in your best interest. If growing your "community" is a top priority then provide an incentive for referring a friend. This will help to grow your email and possibly postal databases - not to mention - your community will continue to grow with people who are of the same interests and mindsets. This helps you qualify your private community as well. You could learn a lot of things from gathering this information. Also, periodically survey your current 100 members about your progress, sort of a "How Are We Doing?" type of survey. You can find out what needs to be added and deleted form the site. Password protection is a must in the case of this "not so world wide web" product. I think that everyone has touched on the things that will probably help you most with start-up. Oh and if growing your community is a goal, I would suggest DOUBLE OPT-IN with any type of email marketing campaign to confirm that these prospects truly want to be members of your community. Best of luck!

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