
Topic: Research/Metrics

Examples Of Giveaway Promotions

Posted by c.houser1988 on 250 Points
I'm going to be running a giveaway promotion for a food manufacturer where we give away various small appliances to customers.

I'm struggling to find some good examples of how this has been done previously. It doesn't have to be like for like or even a partnership, just a good example of how a giveaway promotion has been executed, online etc.

If anyone has seen something in the past or currently I'd love to hear about it.
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  • Posted by jo on Member

    Are you considering an in-store driven promotion (ie led by merchandisers or promoters in -store and at point of sale) or a send-in-to-win (whether digital, cell-based or more traditional)?

    These need different approaches in order to make them a success. I'm currently consulting for a retailer who do giveaways every single month, and there are multiple hurdles to overcome to get strong consumer participation.

  • Posted on Moderator
    Years ago I was Brand Manager on Spic 'n' Span, and we had a few successful "gift-with-purchase" give-away promotions. We learned some important truths about what worked and what didn't.

    First, it's best if the item given is closely related to the offering brand. We used buckets for the give-away item and promoted the promise that Spic 'n' Span's power is unleashed in water (while liquid cleaner strength is diluted in water).

    Second, it's essential that the giveaway item is perceived as being higher-value than the offering brand. We had a promotion that offered live goldfish and bowls with any purchase. Consumers quickly figured out that a goldfish in a bowl would sell for more than the box of Spic 'n' Span, so the value of the promotion was obvious.

    Let's start with these two. They are clearly the most important.

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