
Topic: Other

Hotel Marketing: What's The Most Important Aspect Of It?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
there are a tons of marketing advises for all sorts of businesses but not many for hotels. Any help?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    As if you didn't know by now, the Internet is taking over the travel and hospitality industry. If you don't have a Website, I would get one. Furthermore, listing with some of the major online reservation sites is always a plus so people traveling to your area have a chance to make reserations online.

    Of course, the quality of service and accomodations will always rule. Make sure you aren't advertising pictures of your best room, when the others are sub par. People are really disappointed when they see a picture of a room, book it, and show up only to discover something ...well...less than expected.

    Tha following links will connect you to almost anything you need to knwo to get started. If you are in need of any further assistance or website construction, feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.

    Good Luck!

    -- Jett Enterprises
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    One piece of advice: If you treat every guest as you would wish to be treated yourself, you will have such a fantastic reputation you will never need to advertise again.

    Hard part is getting that message across to all staff.

    Suggest recruiting carefully and giving them the "Nordstrom" rule book. Rule One. Do whatever your best judgement tells you. There is no rule two.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi frank,

    Hotels, motels, notels, whatever, what matters is that you exceed the expectations of your guests.

    Exceed expectations, build loyalty, listen to them, survey them, strengthen and deepen the relationship and you should be successful.

    Hope that helps.

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