
Topic: Research/Metrics

Measuring Marketing Performance: Retail

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
How does one measure marketing performance in a retail environment? Some argue that sales is the only indicator for this. I personally disagree as a marketing promo may not have an immediate effect on sales but is not necessarily an ineffective effort as there may be some positive long term effect. Can one look at foot traffic in conjunction with sales? Or ratios between sales and advertising, sales and foot traffic or advertising and foot traffic? What other metrics are out there?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    The one and only other thing to consider is brand equity. Period.

    Unfortunately, you cannot place a # on it, plug it into an equation, and analyze it like an accounting issue.

    You can evalute and track it by performing surveys to see if consumers and retailers alike are familar with your brand and feel proud to have your brand on their shelves. So, if sales are down one year, so is the brand??!!!!!! Are more and more people becoming familiar with your brand?

    Coca-Cola is arguably the most popular and successfuil brand in the world. Their sales fluctuate like crazy. What's important is brand equity and awareness....if sales are down yet more and more people know about your product and have good things to say about it as the years pass, then you are doing well.

    Do you need sales? Of course. But if sales are down, evaluate all of the obvious factors, PLUS branding. Where are retailers placing your product? What stores carry your product? Are the stores known for their quality or low prices/cheap-o products? For example; a high end, luxurious dress company is not going to get good sales or good BRAND EQUITY by being sold in discount shops. No matter what you say about the dress, to the public it will be "that dress you buy at Cheapo Depot".

    Branding, branding, branding!!! And metrics people hate it because it is an esoteric term that cannot be measured EXCEPT through converting survey results into comparison equations, charts, etc.

    Good Luck!

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