
Topic: Other

Bad Client Advice

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Has anyone had experience with a not so good client and wanted to discontinue their project?

I am an independent consultant and was hired by a small business owner to provide marketing services. Our agreement stated that the customer would pay in four equal installments over 4 months. When the project was in its final phase, the client completely put a halt on the project because she decided to change direction. My client still owed a small balance for the work I did. Five months have passed and the client has recently contacted me asking to finish the project. I honesty, do not want to do business with this client because of the way she breached our agreement and some other reasons. I am willing to write off my losses and move on. What is the best way to let a client know that you are terminating the relationship without it going sour?

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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi jepldp,

    I agree with Bill Moore.

    To say anything else would be repeating his advice, I just want to add that my business experience with these situations mirrors his suggestions.

    It's tough to do, but looking at your situation in the long run it is probably the right thing to do.

    I hope that helps.

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