
Topic: Other

Checking Out An Online Software Retailer

Posted by Chris Blackman on 250 Points
Has anyone ever bought discount software from [inactive link removed] ?

Their prices seem very low and although the explain the 90% discount as due to the software originally sold to be bundled with hardware I am worried whether the products are legitimate or not...

Anyone have any good, bad or indifferent experiences?

Any other suggestions where software can be bought at deep discounts? I have a daughter starting college who needs Adobe Photoshop or CS and even the educational price here in Oz is fairly frightening!

Thanks for any advice/pointers.


[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Hi Chris,

    why not use The Gimp? It is just like photoshop and it is opensourse which means it is FREE, it is much smaller than Photoshop and just as good. If you still want Photoshop CS send me an email I may have an option for you ( very Cheap even cheaper than 90%off)

    The Gimp can also use most photoshop based plug ins

    The gimp can be found at and can be downloaded here:

    (note you must download and install the GKT run time environment FIRST then Gimp)

    Also the help files are a separate download (on the same page).

    Another option is PSP ( Paint Shop Pro) also called Poor Mans photoshop.

    PS when I tried to connect to the site fireFox told me that the site certificate was invalid and some one might be trying to intercepting the page I am viewing.

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Never heard of that site, Chris.

    You could do what I do. Check eBay!

    - Shelley ;]
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Author

    I've taken your sgestion and downloaded Gimp for my daughter to try out. It's all a mystery to me.


    Been there, done that. I could do better in my local retail store. The site is about 80% cheaper than anything on EBay.

    BTW you two - congrats on the new gig. How come either of you still have time to answer questions here?

    Cheers from sunny Melbourne

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Author
    Thanks Carl and Shelley.

    My daughter has tried GIMP and grumpily agrees it does most of what Photoshop does although she still has to learn to use it properly. I guess I shouldn't have hoped for gratitude! Kids, huh?


  • Posted on Member
    I ordered something from them on October 17th and still have not received it. Their web page no longer exists.

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