
Topic: Strategy

Launching A Kids Club

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
My company would like to launch a kids club. where do i begin? it would seem like i should start by identifying the target age group (4 year olds are much different than 14 yr olds). so 1) how do i best identify the approrpiate age group to target 2) then what? it would seem like the next step would be to identify the elements of the Program. In other words, what is the value proposition for a kid to sign up. any thoughts on this process?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    What does your company plan to offer these kids?

  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Yes, more information will help.

    One club I am familiar with is the Ace Hardware Kids Club.

    The idea here is to encourage parents to sign up their kids. Then they bring them to a participating store once a month on Saturdays where the kids build a craft project and the parents either help the them or, to the joy of the Ace owner, shop.

    The kids also get other stuff such as gift on their birthday and the website has activities for them also.

    You can check this out on the website.

    Good luck
  • Posted by Paul Linnell on Accepted
    Hi Tim

    This sounds like a great opportunity for a really fun Focus Group. Kids’ minds certainly work differently (often better) than ours. The best way to get into those minds is to watch and listen to them actually using and talking to each other about your product. (Some companies also use an on-line kids’ forum / discussion group to learn from their kids - what they think of different products). You’ll find out what they think of the idea of your Kids Club, what they would like it to offer, why it would appeal to them (or not). From this you’ll begin to pick up on your target group and also learn enough not to make some mistakes when launching it.

    Best of luck


    P.S. – You’ll find lots of stuff on Focus Groups on - just search for “Focus Groups” :-)

  • Posted on Member
    first launch it as a unique Birthday Place for all of your target the business for 6 months and differentiate different segments in the place with different toys and games for each target group without mixing the kids when they play..this combination with different games in different sections will keep all happy and attract new customers - mouth to mouth..

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