
Topic: Strategy

How Do You Challenge An Established And Powerful Brand With A Brand That Has Got Lots Going For It But Was Weak Brand Name ?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We have a local brand which does not command a high level of prestige in terms of customer perception. Our competitor is an international brand which has all the perceptual advantages of an international brand.

Our product a distribution panel board for domestic household for safeguard against current overload is however better in terms of features and price but customers purchase mainly on basis of brand name.

We on the other hand because of small number of customers cannot take recourse to the media which is the best bet for building brand image. Also, the management is set against the idea. What options are open to us ?
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    What are the proprietary features of your product that produce benefits that make it a more valuable product than your competitor(s)?

    Do you features make your product safer? Save lives? Save energy?

    Is there a measurable return on investment that exceeds your competitors?

    Does it last 3 times longer?

    Can you get demo versions or give full-blown versions to people who can use it, experience it, help get this buzz going?

    Can you get testomonials? Third-part endorsements?

    Create partnerships to help you get the name out in the market.

    You need to start creating some buzz, and this doesn't always require money, you just need to get the right groups of people talking about it.

    Hope that helps.

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Some of the best resources: (Articles and tutorials)

    Therein lies enough information to keep you busy for months!

    Good Luck!
  • Posted on Accepted
    try direct mail (door - door) advertising with a big Offer and then when you estimate the ROI try newspaper (small size but with creative approach)
  • Posted on Member
    create a parallel line of your product and launch it with a higher price and with more 'extras'.
    make people see the difference in price versus the quality of your product.
    keep the existing product with the same price as you already have it in the market.
    The 'new' parallel product will be established.
    good luck

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