
Topic: Strategy

Thoughts On E-books...

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
It was suggested that I write an e-book or report on cold calling for small business owners. Any thoughts on doing this and do you think it's something I could charge for and if yes, how much is reasonable?

Leslie Guria
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  • Posted by Markitek on Accepted
    I would advise against it

    In general, the amount of time it takes to write a quality e book is not supported by the numbers of books it sells. This is really just an alternative delivery method for vanity presses . . . where success is rare. There are many reasons for this, perhaps chief among them being the ready availability of both traditional print books and articles about the topic (a quick run at Google with the search phrase

    cold calling techniques

    illustrates my point).
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Why did someone suggest this to you?

    If it's to get rich, fuggetabouddit.

    If it's to demonstrate your expertise, to help people find you, and to give something to potential customers in exchange for building an opt-in email database, then DO IT.

    You don't have to call it an ebook. Call it a checklist, an assessment, a report or whatever. Give it an irresistable title, like "Are you tripping over the five biggest obstacles that small business owners have with cold calling?"

    Make it a free download on your website, but require that visitors fill out a form with basic qualifying questions so that you can determine whether they're worth pursuing.

    Good luck!

    ~ Shelley
  • Posted by sammykarij on Member
    Are you a consultant or a trainer in cold calling? If you are this could be one way to reach out to people about your expertise. Call it a whitepaper. Use it as a bait to get people sign in for your newsletter or to get their details. Give it for free.

    Dont write too big a book. A few pages is the best. Offer it for free. Probably if that is quite good then you can write a great book on cold calling. People may be interested to read more about it.

    There are people who are making money using cold calling. You only need to know you have a niche interested in your book.

    Think harder about it.

    You can email mee then we can discuss it further.

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