
Topic: Strategy

Retail Store Price Zones - Best Practices

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Looking for best practice methodology for setting retail price zones (competitor based, demographic based, purchase behavior based, geographic, etc.). Please explain the rationale for your reccomendation and any supplemental articles/materials you would reccomend reading.

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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Hoch and colleagues (1995, Journal of Marketing Research) discuss this issue in detail for Dominick's finer foods in Chicago. A recent follow-up found that several demographic and distance-to-competion factors induce retailers to use zone pricing:
    (1) More educated consumers have higher
    opportunity costs, so they devote less attention to
    shopping and therefore are less price sensitive.
    (2) Large families spend more of their disposable
    income on grocery products, and therefore they
    spend more time shopping to garner their increased
    returns to search; they are also more price
    (3) Households with larger, more expensive homes
    have fewer income constraints, so they are less
    price sensitive.
    (4) Black and Hispanic consumers are more price
    (5) Store volume relative to the competition is
    important, suggesting that consumers self-select for
    location and convenience or price and assortment.
    (6) Distance from the competition also matters.
    Isolated stores display less price sensitivity than
    stores located close to their competitors. Distance
    increases shopping costs
    (7) However, competitive characteristics are not as
    important as consumer characteristics in
    determining store price elasticities
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Member
    Forgot the add the source of these recent findings: the excellent research site of Pradeep Chintagunta, UChicago: research/Presentations/ZonePricing.pdf

    they also find that zone pricing typically increases retailer profits, but lowers consumer welfare

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