
Topic: Strategy

How Would You Define Breadth Evangelism?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
How would you define breadth evangelism programs? what would you define as the key tenets of evangelism? What would a "tool kiet" for evangelism look like?
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Breadth Evangelism, huh?

    Well that seems to be a pretty rare term on the net.

    I really found only one reference: so I've e-mailed the author to ask what he means by the term.

    Where did you first hear it, and in what context?

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Drew a blank. The e-mail to that author bounced, so who knows what he meant by the term. Can you give some more clues?

    The only references I see anywhere emanate from a software behemoth in NW USA... Perhaps this is a new term they have cooked up to confuse us hapless users, you know, sort of like using the start button when you want to stop, etc.

    I think I can help with what the "tool kiet" should look like. It should have several trays for storing tools according to function and size, some small trays for spare nuts and bolts, and a lockable lid with a secure handle so it can be safely carried without the tools falling out.

    Sorry I can't be much more help at this time, but if you'll throw us a couple more bones here, we'll all put on our collective "Chapeaux de Penser".


  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Shouldn't the toolkit include Kool-Aid, too?
  • Posted by jcmedinave on Accepted
    If your topic refer to Happy and Loyal Customers that promote your products to their friends and relatives, maybe the definition of Evangelism could be "Diffusion and communication developed by Loyal and Satisfied Customers". The key in the evangelism process is maintaining the attributes that promote the evangelism (quality, service, excellence, relation, contact,...) What are they in your Company?. Finally, the presentation tool Kit could be like a "Bible", remember the Evangelists, and the way they promote their experiences and teachings.

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Only in Jonestown, Shelley...
  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted

    Just wonder if reading this earlier thread in response to a question from our resident "Customer Passion Evangelist" might help?!:

    Good luck,

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