
Topic: Research/Metrics

Web Metrics

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am looking for sources or firms who can collect specific web metrics. In particular, I am looking to collect stats as follows:

1. Unique visitors to a website
2. Banner ad click throughs

In particular, I need to have data collected over a historical series or time frame, say two years or more.

Any suggestions appreciated!


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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Michael,

    I recommend either one/both of these books for a excellent understanding of web metrics and to help determine what may or may not be imporant for you to measure:

    Web Metrics: Proven Methods for Measuring Web Site Success
    by Jim Sterne or:

    Web Analytics Demystified by Eric Peterson

    For a nice product that delivers big bang for the cost check out:

    One of the more valuable metrics you can also measure is search words and phrases that people used, and the search engines they used, to find your site.

    This allows you to fine-tune your SEO/SEM efforts.

    I hope that helps!
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Blanalytics/Michael:

    And for anybody else who may be new to this forum:

    It is recommended to leave your question open for at least 24 hours, you really short-change getting quality answers by closing after just a couple responses.

    Many people around the world are contributing "Experts" and because of these different time-zones and daily priorities, it can take awhile for everybody to see your post and have an opportunity to answer.

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