
Topic: Strategy

Design Studio Needs Your Marketing Advice

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I own a small boutique design studio,, that offers "big agency" talent and quality at a "not so big" price.” We are a team of two designers and two programmers, producing award winning creative. Our capabilities include: web site design, corporate identity, logos, marketing/capabilities brochures, product catalogs, book design, tradeshow/conference materials, annual reports, advertising, newsletters & eNewsletters, direct mail and packaging.

Problem: Lately I’ve been feeling that we have “all our eggs in one basket” with our current clients. This leads me to think that maybe we should start expanding our client base.

I want to target Marketing Directors and thought it would be great if YOU, the “Marketing Expert” could tell me the best way I can market our services to YOU.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Wham Creative,

    Just checked out your website and ((( Wham ))). Well the best way to make things happen for your self here on MarketingProfs is to stay involved in the questions. In particular your expertise could be used on the Copywriting and Website Critique questions. But feel free to get involved in any of the other categories as well. You just might get some business in directly especially when people tap into your link on your customer profile page. Let's keep in touch. Who knows I might have a few referrals for you down the road. Could you design a website for a major recording artist. Send me an email and let's talk. I'm not sure if he's ready to do something different but who knows. If you can take what he already has and really make it ((( Wham ))) for him who knows you just might have a new client. Let's talk. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    WOW. I love your site, Clear, simple effective.

    Sorry i dont have any advice but WOW! love your site.
  • Posted on Accepted
    hello Wham,
    Let me just say that your website and its copy has all of the 3 Cs that I look for: clear, concise, and cogent.

    I definitely think you should be looking for new business and generate more leads from your website. How to attract those marketing managers? It's not really a science, and it's not easy. Sell yourselves to them with your expert design skills. If you feel like you're stuck in a certain industry or with a certain type of clientele, you need to do a direct mailing shot to those companies you think your services would be best suited for. Call each one, get the marketing manager's name and address, etc. If you want to really expand your business and do it fast, you might want to actually hire a New Business manager with agency experience in new business. They work on commission just like sales people.

    Also, are you networking? Sites like ecademy and linkedin seem to work for some people. MarketingProfs can bring in lots of clients for you as Deremiah mentioned. We also have a section where experts can bid on projects. Also, get involved in the website critique questions in this forum (and of course, any other questions where you can add value).

    I wish you the very best of luck!

  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I agree with Ricky, and provide the services he describes on a part-time basis for multiple companies. I'd love a chance to throw my hat in the ring here. I believe a low-intensity long-term "high touch" program can complement your high tech programs.

    Regarding selling to us... many who participate in this forum are consultants seeking work, some are the "marketing managers" you describe - and many (such as Deremiah above) have opportunities from time to time.

    Regarding networking: I believe you personally should be involved in networking - both electronically (as MarketingProfs) as well as in-person in your local area. This is a better use of your time than cold-calling - leave that to me. Good luck, and take care.

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