
Topic: Strategy

Online Marketing Strategy

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I want to find out what would be the best places to allocated money for online advertising. If you wanted to advertise your financial services where would you go, what strategy would you use based on $75,000 monthly budget. Is Adwards and Overture the best way to increase market share? Perhaps someone has good idea about measuring results from online campaigns and can point be into good direction. As always, any help is appreciated.
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    Just a quick check - $75,000 per month is $900,000 per year - is that a typo, or an actual proposed budget?
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi SebastianS,

    The answer is "it depends". We spend a longtime with a client developing a strategy before we can pinpoint exactly what online marketing tactics to implement and how much to allocate for best ROI, and even then it is a constantly moving target.

    Measuring is very important - if you can't measure you can't improve, however, again it depends as this is a complex question.

    Sorry for being vague, however, I can point in a good direction - contact me offline if you would like to discuss this further, I would love to help you out.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    If you click on the "E-Marketing" link in orange above, and then look to the right, you will see a list of folk who this forum believes are expert in E-Marketing. But don't call that "TeleMoxie" guy - he's a telemarketing expert, not an e-Marketing expert.
  • Posted by Corpcommer on Member
    Hi to SebastianS and other readers:

    For free and interesting market research articles about online advertising, check out this web site:

    Hope this helps you SebastianS.

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