
Topic: Strategy

Marketing Events

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Our company is being asked by a drug company to make events on a national level to introduce a product, cough capsule to the market. The events should make a impact and should be attended by supposedly target market which is 18 and above. How can we lure market to attend the event? Of course, we already have something in mind however I need some expert opinion so we can impress our client and at the same time to making a name in the marketing world
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Alice, you have a tough assignment.

    First of all, "events on a national basis" are all but impossible unless you're in a very small country. You will probably need to do a series of local events in different parts of the country so it looks "national." It's not clear what a "national event" would look like anyway. Would everyone from all over the country attend?

    Second, people are not exactly lining up to learn about another cough treatment. That's not to say you can't generate some interest, but it will probably have to use some kind of borrowed interest -- a celebrity endorsement, tie-in with a popular group, team, etc.

    Third, you probably need to target your market a little more than 18+. There must be some "low hanging fruit" you can go after. It will make your job easier and improve the chances of success. If you create local events, perhaps you can adapt the "national template" to be especially relevant in each market -- involving local celebrities, schools, television/radio personalities, charities, etc. You might do some very different things for the 65+ crowd than you would do for 18-24s, and something else again for 25-54s. Etc.

    The real question

    How would the client define success for the effort? How will they know if you've done a great job? If you simply "make events" and people show up for them, is that success? Or do they expect you to communicate a message? Generate some awareness of their brand? Sell some product?

    Are there some examples the client has seen that might give you some idea of what it is they want? It would really help to understand what it is they are trying to accomplish.

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