
Topic: Strategy

Changing Perceptions About A Product Category

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Looking for examples of product categories where entrenched perceptions have been successfully changed. For example, consumers view commercial airlines as uncaring and expensive. Jet Blue has helped change the category dialogue to greater value that is also consumer friendly. Another example, the weight management category (diet products and plans, weight loss centers, OTC and Rx drugs) play upon our obsession with losing weight to a point that is unrealistic. It is an industry full of over-promise, gimmicks and disappointment.

Are there any examples of categories, driven by a new entry that has helped to change how consumers feel about that particular category? (Apple computer did this back in '80's by positioning personal computing as liberating and user friendly.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi badenhop:

    Here's some examples of Whodathunk?

    Pringles: Potato Chips in a can? That's ridiculous!

    Water in a bottle for $1 a liter or more? Water is free!, so are bottles!

    Pre-made salads in a bag at the grocery store for 6 times the price of just the vegetables?

    Same goes for pre-sliced fruit.

    Disposable razor blades. Aren't the blades already disposable?

    Digital cameras. Your crazy, I want to look at a real print!

    Nike. I ain't paying $80 for a pair of shoes for me or my kid.

    Hope that helps!

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    UK mobile phone industry was stagnant until One2One and then Orange entered the market. The revitalised the sector (dominated by BT Cellnet (now mmO2) and Vodaphone) by their innovative approach to pricing and their funky promotions.
    Great marketing case study

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