
Topic: Strategy

I Have Been Running My Own Co. For 8 Months Now If

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I am running around in circles I do everything from telemarketing, advertising, customer relations EVERYTHING !!! just recently I placed a bid for $1,000,000 !!!! My nerves are shot considering the most I have ever grossed within a month was only $39,000. I'm scared I just need some reassurance that all will be fine. Stupid I know, but family is out of the question (they're ALL bloodhounds) briefing: I'm the only one out of my entire to launch my own company. And that's turned them into awful needy people. Just any responses would be greatly appreciated, TY
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Hang in there
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    often times people get into a jam because they are not living within the scope of their VISION.

    WITHOUT VISION people parish, they cast off restraint, they lose control, they over react, they underestimate, they are overcome by hopelessness and they second think. This is where most people live because they lack VISION.

    WITHOUT VISION there is no purpose to the madness that arises in our life.

    WITH VISION we over look our human frailities to cast our purpose somewhere beyond the stars. We go for ours even though all may seem hopeless, out of control because we are driven by something greater than the eyes can see...yes you are, we are

    DRIVEN FROM INSIGHT instead of eyesight. We are driven by our VISION...what is yours? and if you have one revisit it and refocus your attention to it.

    Ignore the distractions.

    YOU ARE A GREAT PERSON born for such a time as this. You have every right to succeed. You wrink95 have every right to soar with the eagles. Eagles are bold with superior eyesight...and when they focus on their objective they ignore and go blind to the distractions because their VISION is important to their reason for being.

    Is there anything else I can do for you wrink95.

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    *(Causing Powerful Experiences)
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Retain a coach. You know what you need to do - possibly you lack accountability. Schedule a weekly meeting by phone with someone to map your strategy for the upcoming week and to review progress on key issues. Expect to pay top dollar - after all - you want advice from an expert. If you are serious about this suggestion, I will volunteer my time for a weekly meeting for a month or so as you are looking for a professional coach/mentor.

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