
Topic: Strategy

How To Start A Baby Boutique

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am a new mother who is interested in starting a business. I am looking to open a retail shop that specializes in baby clothing, toys, room decor and diaper bags/accessories for new moms.

I am wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I begin to find products for my store. Basically, I want to become a distributor for some unique companies. Anyone have any ideas on how I find some distributors of specialty baby clothing/accessories???

Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You are starting at the wrong end. This is MARKETINGprofs, not SOURCINGprofs.

    The way you start your business is by understanding your target audience and what they need/want, what they wish they had but can't find, what they value, how they make choices and purchase decisions.

    Let's say you find the products and open your store. How will anyone find out about it? What's the marketing plan? What will make you any different from the other stores in your area that sell similar products?

    Unless and until you can answer those questions, you're wasting your time looking for sources of products. The issue at this early stage isn't the product line; it's the market need you're going to satisfy.

    Start at the beginning, not the end.
  • Posted on Member
    hi - i know this post is from awhile ago but... you can check out it's a wholesale marketplace that lets independent retailers buy online from designers - they have categories for kid's items and for home decor among others. you can also try - another website - it lets craft designers sell their works online. of course, you can always visit trade shows in person and see what suits your shop. good luck!

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