
Topic: Other

Situation Causing Concern

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi again,
This time, you all would probably laugh at me and at my question.But still i cant help it.
Problem is my wedding.Generally we Hindus( followers of Hindu religion ,in India), take marriage decisions after
matching the horoscopes of both girl and boy. Our astrologer told my parents that i have 'shani'or saturn in my horoscope and will match only with one having the same. So only few matches came for me. I didn't find any of them suitable, But my prents opine that i should be less selective and accept what ever comes as destiny.
What should i do? Iam really in a fix. I know these are personal matters and should be decided by own. But still ....Please mail me your suggestions.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Wow, i didn't know about that. Very interesting.

    Since i am a westerner, i dont really know what is acceptable in your culture.

    Do you really believe in astrology? if you do that is fine, but i dont so it would not even enter my considerations.

    Tell them its your life and you can do what you want, you will find the girl when the time is right for YOU, but try to do it in a calm way.

    Try seeing a different astrologer, you might get a different answer.

    If my parents were doing this, i would just sit them down, have a talk and explain that i am not ready at this time to get married.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    This is very interesting, but I think most of us are very unqualified to offer any opinion. Certainly those who are from a different culture/religion can't really make an informed suggestion.

    It would be nice to be able to help, but we would do you a disservice to make suggestions based on a different cultural background than yours. Maybe there are some people on this forum who are from India and have first-hand knowledge of norms and practices in the Hindu religion.

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