
Topic: Strategy

Some Interesting Stats About Blogging

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points
From a recent poll about blogs:

(Sorry the story does not provide the name of the company that conducted the poll)

Of those who said they read a blog at least once, more than half described them as either somewhat or very accurate.

By comparison, those who said they hadn't visited a blog said the on-line journals were accurate only 22 per cent of the time.

“Blog readers are also more likely to judge other media sources more accurate than their non-blogging counterparts,” the poll suggested.

According to the findings, 84 per cent of blog readers called their local news accurate, compared with 75 per cent of non-blog readers. Similarly, 81 per cent of blog readers reported newspapers as being accurate, versus 71 per cent of their non-blog reading counterparts.

My question: Are blog readers less skeptical? Are they less critical? Are they (gasp) gullible? If yes, how does that affect a marketer's approach to blogging?

I'd love to know your thoughts on this. (I'd also love to know the source of the story, if anyone knows it)

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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member
    Hey Dave,

    I'm going to be a little risque here and say that bloggers are probably like most other humans on the planet (gullible). Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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