
Topic: Strategy

How Do I Create A Landing Page In My Site

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I need to have a landing page on my website newly created that will act as the point of entry for visitors ,who will visit my site from a offshore outsourcing seminar in the United States. I am going through info present in the internet which is quite helpful....I am hoping that I the community will be able to provide me with some incisive insight...
The seminar is about outsourcing and will be visited by organizations who want to outsource AM, ERP implementation, M&S services, migration services etc...typical service offerings of a IT consulting, what should the landing page convey...and how should this be done...

Awaiting answers!!
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi pradeepsg,

    Tamara Gielen, a KHE Expert here, has a nice blog on landing pages with lots of helpful information and links.

    Go get consumed by her blog for awhile and you'll come out with plenty of ideas with which you can use for your landing page.

    BTW, I commend you for realizing the need for a specific landing page and not just linking to one within your website. Your conversion rate will be much higher by doing this.

    Also, Marketing Sherpa has a landing page handbook out, you can see more about it here:

    I hope that helps!

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    You have been given some good pointers above.

    I would add this: I should provide specific landing pages given to people at each seminar, that:

    1. Relate precisely to the seminar content
    2. Allow tracking so you can measure which seminars have created most enquiries.

    You can link the landing pages to your usual home page and keep navigation consistent.

    And remember to update your site FAQ's after each seminar to embody all the questions that came up at the seminar, if they don't already have a ready response on your existing FAQ list.

    Hope this helps...

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