
Topic: Other

Why Outsource Marketing Services?

Posted by businessmachine on 125 Points
which would be the main reasons a company would/should choose to outsource some or all marketing services they need (strategy, planning, market intelligence, product marketing, image, communication) to a consultant rather than hiring their own staff?
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Depending on your size, it may or may not be better to have a dedicated person on the job.

    If you are a small company then it will be better to out source you marketing to a consultant.

    The main reasons are: A consultant has many years experience in may different areas, it will be VERY HARD. near impossible to find a person to do this in house are a rate that would be cheaper than a consultant.

    Consultants may have a number of people with different skills working for them, eg one person might be an expert at product marketing, while another might be an expert in strategy and planning.

    Consultants have contacts, they have access to resources you don't, for example they know a designer that will do the work for half the price and have it delivered in half the time or have a technique for writing copy on a product that will sit perfectly with your target group.

    If you decide to have a consultant come in and work with an existing team, they can provide a fresh view on things, quite often people get attached to there ideas and cant see that it will fail. Think "New Coke".

    I am sure the other MORE experienced member of the forum will have other ideas.

    If you plan to have some one working full time on these area then you might think about have a mixture of conslutants and in house.

    Please also keep in mind that i am only a second year marketing student.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    There are plenty of reasons, here's another:

    There will be peaks and valleys in your need for marketing - for example, as you do trade shows or new product releases, you will have short term needs for more resources, and it is more cost effective to staff up to meet ongoing needs rather than peak needs.
  • Posted by businessmachine on Author
    tx, firefox.

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