
Topic: Research/Metrics

Search Engine Optimization (seo & Sem) Agencies

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm about to embark on a search engine optimization/search engine marketing program for my B to B website. We're an established company, developing software for the beverage distribution industry. Currently our rankings and indexing in the search engines are dismal and unless a potential customer searches for us by name they will not locate us on any engine.

In the past, I have done site optimization myself, albeit haphazardly yet I’ve had decent results. For this site I’m looking to outsource the project.

Currently I have been working with one SEO/SEM expert and have a proposal from her to complete a range of services to begin to address the issues with our site. I would like to speak to at least one other expert for a proposal before undertaking the project.

Do any of you have recommendations on agencies you have used for these types of services? Location does not really matter although, as I am working for a Canadian organization, I’d prefer to use a Canadian resource.

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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Alison,

    As Zahid mentions there are specialists for the different disciplines of organic search engine marketing and pay-per-click search engine advertising/marketing.

    I have a partnership with a very good organic SEO company called PageViews.

    They have deep experience at organic SEO, it is all they do, and they have been doing it since 1998 with customers all over North America so geographic location does not matter.

    Contact them at and talk to Mark Klien, tell him Tim Pepper at Pepper Blue Marketing referred you.

    If you are interested in Pay-Per-Click advertising such as Google AdWords or Yahoo Search Marketing, I am a specialist in that area and I can help you out and prepare a proposal for you, just contact me by clicking on my name Pepper Blue above.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted on Accepted

    If you are looking for a top SEO firm (and one that happens to be in Canada) I would highly recommend that you contact and ask to speak with Darcy or John. VKI Studios has been successfully providing SEO service to clients all over North America in a diverse set of industries for over 7 years.

    Good Luck

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