
Topic: Strategy

Mktg Department Structure Of A Soccer Club

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Please, share your thoughts on what is the optimal org structure to carry out all the Marketing initiatives, i.e. what would be the best split of responsibilities in MKTG dept of a major E. European soccer club.

Discussions on this subject created some significant internal disagreements. I would really appreciate other professionals' input.

Thank you.
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  • Posted by businessmachine on Member
    my favorite definition of marketing is by what it does:

    "marketing takes the pig to the market"

    or, the long definition:

    "marketing efficiently takes the right pig to a prepared market"

    the pig is basically what your sales force is supposed to be selling. in your case, it mostly consists of a story. a living legend and all the numerous tangibles or non-tangibles that switch ownership and make money flow from the market into the company.

    your marketing team should cover 6 major functions:

    marketing management
    market intelligence
    product/service marketing
    customer intelligence

    for each of the six we have developped clear sets of responsibilities that have proved effective in previous marketing department (re)formation projects. we also have a "marketer's ckecklist" of todo's, templates, procedures and best practises. posting them all here would be an option, but maybe not your favorite. i can easily email stuff provided i have an address.




  • Posted by adammjw on Member
    I fully agree with Clement's valuable clues.
    As I understand your intention is to make a soccer club a successful financial venture.
    You are operating in a 100% experience economy market therefore I would go along following lines:
    Marketing Management
    Brand management
    Communication( highly pro-active website included)
    Escapology- special events, co-branded credit cards, restaurants, cafes, memorabilia etc.)


  • Posted by adammjw on Member
    I fully agree with Clement's valuable clues.
    As I understand your intention is to make a soccer club a successful financial venture.
    You are operating in a experience economy market therefore I would go along following lines:
    Marketing Management
    Brand management
    Communication( highly pro-active website included)
    Escapology- special events, restaurants, cafes, memorabilia etc.)


  • Posted by michael on Member
    We see marketing as "prepping" the sales process. The goal is to bring prospects into the "system" as early on in the buying cycle as possible. Once they're in, you have several ways to manage the cycle.

    In a soccer club, you may want to organize as:

    Marketing Director
    -Mgr ticket marketing
    -Mgr sponsor marketing
    -Mgr charitable marketing

    The question then becomes who does what clem says? Each manager may be more knowledgeable about those areas within his/her expertise.

  • Posted by adammjw on Accepted
    Hi again,

    To seems only natural that Marketing Management is reported to by all departments you have formed or planning to form.Then and only then can all the marketing issues like ticketing,sponsorships,charity,escapology, communication etc can be handled as a whole.Naturally the marketing management reports to GM&CEO or whatever the structure is.
    I would greatly recommend trying to get in touch with Manchester United Department of Marketing to apply for a short training.That's the best place you can find as far as running a soccer club as a highly successful venture is concerned.
    I hope that each and every member of your club is well aware of the prerequisites like:
    - good stadium
    -safety guaranteed
    -family-friendly climate
    -cherished fan-club
    -proper infrastructure( parking places,restaurants, cafes etc.)
    - last but not least a good squad

    As to 3 this is the best forum you can get ever.People are excellent, highly professional and really eager to help and not for points.If you really run out of points you can always buy a few more.
    In a word have trust in people's willingness and goodwill.



    PS. What kind of examples you need?Just ask.

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