
Topic: Research/Metrics

Where Do I Start When Making A Competitive Study?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I need to do a competitive study; however, our local competitors are mostly family owned...meaning the information is classified. How do I go about learning more about the competitors ideas, future plans, prices?
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    Competitive analysis is and art and most useful information is not published. You need to talk to your competitor's customers for some. By talking to enough people, you can get a feel for satisfaction, price, how well the needs are met, gaps in the offering, and good points among the competition. Also, if possible, go to your competitors' businesses and see what they offer and how. Be a potential customer. In the lobbies of many companies, brochures and material are available. Additionally, some companies - even family owned - have websites. Study the websites for clues on future directions.

    Hope this helps.


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