
Topic: Strategy

Best Mediums - B2b Lead Generation - Hospital Hr

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I own a medical staffing firm. My audience is Human Resource/ Recruitment Managers at Hospitals. I want to expand nationally want to use direct mail to reach these decision makers. What are some good mail piece types, frequency, strategies that you might suggest. My goal is IN BOUND response either to a toll free # or web response etc. I don't have the resources and sales staff to follow up with lives calls...
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I agree with Randall, NEVER under estimate the power of a telephone call, you can gain better results than DM, and also refine and cleanse your prospect list.

    Good Luck
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    A quick question if I might... what is it which is special or unique or different about your company which might cause someone to respond to a letter, post card, phone call, or other marketing approach?
  • Posted on Author
    Sure Thanks...
    Here are some roughs of my audio logos I am working on and Copy heading etc.. they may best give you an idee...let me know if you need more site is under construction...take a peek at it at note the content is all filler...I am working on the flash and other functional areas...feel free to comment on the audio logo as well..

    Audio logo drafts and more...
    We help healthcare providers to more affordably and effectively recruit "high value-passive medical professionals" by emulating the best practices of third party search firms using our turn-key integrated direct marketing solution.

    Or another more general way of saying it:
    "We help healthcare employers recruit Passive Healthcare Professionals that tend to have more experience and offer "higher value" to their employers."

    Script to Healthcare HR Generalists and Managers:

    "You know how for some positions job boards and classifieds only seem to generate either inexperienced or sub par candidates?
    "We help healthcare employers who are struggling to recruit more qualified and experienced medical professionals." By.........
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    It sounds like you are saying you are good at recruiting well qualified medical job candidates who are currently employed, not actively looking for work. Sounds like a good business to me...

    ... but if you don't mind me asking - if I'm responsible for staffing at a hospital, why should I believe that you are really any better than the last 20 medical recruiters who have already called me this week, or even any better than the folks I'm working with now?

    Are you really any different?

    I've said this before on this board - and this is considered heresy by some - but sometimes trying too hard to differentiate yourself can backfire. For example, as a free lance telemarketing guy, I've spoken with a large number of systems integration companies. They tell me, "We are different from all our competitors because..." - and then they tell me the exact same thing the last 25 systems integration firms have told me (we have a methodology, we listen to you, we employ top talent, we can outsource to India, we are flexible...).

    Those systems intergrators position themselves as full of bull.

    In such situations, I believe a simple, honest, direct approach can differentiate you from the competition. My personal style when selling a "me-too" service is to differentiate myself through a professional, persistent, helpful sales style. It takes time (some say it takes 15 "impressions" to build top of mind association) but for certain targeted accounts, the effort may be worth it.

    Good luck.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the feedback.

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