
Topic: Strategy

Can A Good Strategy Wll Increase The Sales

Posted by Ali Mustafa on 25 Points
hi, everybody with great brains out there can u help me increase the sales at some of my stores, i have sportswear stores outlets located at different places. But nowadays i felt that people r not atracted towards sports wear, help me out to increase the sales .
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Elias has done some amazing work, great answer, I would just add the following:

    Get online - if you have already great, if not get a website up and running.

    Upsell - hopefully you know who some of your customers are, they have bought before, good chances they will buy again, promote solely to them.

    Referral - whilst talking to your customers, get the to refer their friends to you.

    Promotions - work that supply chain to see what discounts and promotions you can get from your suppliers.

    Good Luck
  • Posted by michael on Member
    If you feel people are not attracted at all, you could always bail out of the industry. My guess is that other stores are doing well and you just need to compete with them.

    You're probably realizing that your competition is not the other sports store, but all the other things people can buy.

  • Posted by Ali Mustafa on Author
    hi, firstly i would like to thanks all the contributors for their valuable advices but actually ur answers could not catch my attention, once again i would like to remind u all that i dont have done some kind of friendly business with some food stores and fittness clubs i offered their customers with discounts cupons so whenever a customer visits this food store or the fitness clubs they get a discount cupons of my store but this strategy also didnt work well so i request u all to give me some practical ideas which can really help me in my business.

    thank u in advance.

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