
Topic: Strategy

Effective Congress Integration Ideas Please!

Posted by Anonymous on 350 Points
Our company is in the throes of organising our biggest European congress of the year and my department, which offers Education & Training as part of solutions within the main product areas, is looking to really sell ourselves this year as part of the company solutions.

Normally we have a seperate part of the stand for us, and although this year we will have the same, we also want to integrate ourselves physically within those main product areas (which are split into product portfolio groups). We are planning to offer small taster sessions of our E&T solutions but the problem is that there is limited space and we do not want to be in other people's way, and also want something that conveys a continued presence.

Can anyone think of a really creative & effective way of integrating/demonstrating our message within other product areas, whether something physical that sits there or.... you see, it's difficult for me to even go further with what I want to explain!

I need a bit of a brainstorm on this and maybe someone here has managed to do this well before.

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  • Posted on Accepted
    Find a way to DO training during the congress. Maybe you can do some mini workshops on a scheduled basis, bring in experts to cover a specific topic, etc. Look for ways to get people to experience what you do.

    Video (as mentioned by Kathleen) can help you do this, but live experience is very strong.

    If you are about education and training, find a way to educate and train attendees to give them a sample of what you do. Also, it is critical to decide what next step you want people to take. Do you want them to sign up for training events? Integrate training and education into their plan for next year? What is your most desired outcome?
  • Posted by michael on Member
    Get yourself a robot that continually walks the floor and is playing your marketing message. Or a celebrity look-alike. may recall someone was paid $10,000 to tatoo a companies name on her forhead. Get your sales people "tatooed" with selected messages...maybe 5 different ones....that highlight your key benefits.

    It's kind of wacky, but it works in some environments. The goal, still, is to get them back to your area for a demo as suggested above.

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    you've got some great suggestions above. When space limitation is a problem and the focus is trying to retain a continued out ward prescence you might want to consider logo wear for the employees. This way those who are looking to engage with your staff can visually see who are the right people to go to.

    If you want to go beyond the boundaries of your own employees consider doing a contest where the requirement is to wear other forms of clothing that has existing logo wear.

    Also consider strategically placing people through out your area facing in diametrically opposite positions in order to have small diverse crowds who only face their speakers. Have each employee do a presentation that only allows them to do their presentation in that particular tight space they are in (but use suttle arm gestures to create a visual attraction). Have their communication be quitely communicated so that those who want to know what they are saying will be required to move in closely.

    This will create intimacy and multiple small groups opposed to huge crowds which is not what you can afford to have due to the tight space. Have the attire of the speakers be identical in color coordination or outfit in order to create a stronger attraction and the similarity necessary for every one to know that they are from your group. Maybe a hat with a logo that catches the eye without being to flamboyant. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    C-reating P-resentation E-xclusivity

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