
Topic: Strategy

How Does A Sales Rep Get An Appointment With Ceo

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Our firm is into selling Corporate Outbound Training Programs. We used to make sales pitch to HR Managers. But this process is not working? We have decided to sell it at the CEO level. Now the Question is how do se reach the CEO level folks and sell.

The training programs that we sell have a high sucess ratio. And these are the desicions that CEO's have to take.

We are a 1.5 year old company and have good client list.

Would be great if you can let me know how do we meet the CEO,s and how the sales pitch should be structured?
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Ravi, questions like this have been asked here a few dozen times already. Try the "Search Questions" link on the right and use a keyword like CEO or EXECUTIVE.

    Here's one recent posting in particular:
    How To Get Past the Gatekeeper To the C E O

    MarketingProfs has also published articles on this topic. Use the search *box* at the top of the page to find them. Or browse through the fifteen categories of topics by clicking the Article Archives link way down at the very bottom of the page.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I find it interesting that YOU have decided to sell to the CEO. It's not really your decision, and it's probably not the same at every potential client company.

    Why not do some research to find out what companies have the greatest perceived need for the kinds of training you provide? And then find out whose problem it is within the company? Sometime it will be the CEO, but sometime it won't be.

    Your unilateral decision to focus on the CEO sounds arrogant and not very customer focused. If you polled 100 companies and asked who the right person would be, how many of them would say it's the CEO? It sure sounds to me like most CEOs would delegate this kind of decision. Who YOU want to sell to is not the issue.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    I've done a half dozen projects selling Sales training, and have a couple questions...

    What do you mean by an "outbound" training course? What exactly are you selling? Is it a sales course?

    When you say that calling HR managers isn't working - how can you quantify that? How long (elapsed time) have you let the program run? How many man-hours have you put into this ?

    What is the quality of the marketing materials you have? Do you have a web site? Can we have a look?

    Thanks -

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