
Topic: Strategy

Marketing Metrics And Pims

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

Ladies/Gentlemen : 07/28/05

As VP of one of Mexicos largest confectionery companies it has become increasingly important that we evaluate the efficiecies and profit return of our marketing investments (i.e. media,promotions , pricing and distribution).

I trust that by obtaining knowledge of the Marketing Metric systems and the use of a vehicle such as the Profit Impact of Marketing Strategies (PIMS study) we can clarify many of our concerns.

Armando Crespo
Managing Partner;Exports
Dulces De la Rosa
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Recently, The American Marketing Association ( had an on-line seminar Called Using Marketing Dashboards and Marketing ROI. It was presented by Pat LaPointe from a company that specialized in this area - MarketingNPV ( . This was open to members only, but the cost of membership is nominal - $195. There are several articles concerning the topic of Marketng ROI and I believe that this webinar will be re-broadcast for members soon. Also, if you were to eMail Pat LaPoint at [DELETED by staff] and ask him for the slides for the July 19 webinar on Using Marketing Dashboards and Marketing ROI, you could get a copy eMailed to you. This webinar was a good primer on how to set up a dashboard and begin measuring the marketing efforts in a good context specific to your company.

    I hope this helps!

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I have been working on modelling too! As a responsible marketer I would :-)

    My toolkit is in the FREE toolkit, just click on my name, then on my website address in the profile.
    Its doubtful that one tool will fit all businesses, but some of them out there will start to help you look at the best criteria for you and help point you in the right direction.

    Good Luck

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