
Topic: Strategy

Appointment Setting

Posted by Anonymous on 85 Points
I am a professional appointment setter for a family owned company who sells all lines of insurance and safe financial planning and investments. My boss has assigned me to target small businesses Doctors and Attorneys. I am trying to set an appt. with the decision maker regarding a free analysis 412i plan. I have had no success. I have sent them letters and followed up a phone call. No luck. I asked if I could fax them information. The objection was, They would speak with the doctor/attorney and if they are interested they will contact our office. Help! Is this a lose lose situation? How can I make this a win win? Is it worth even persuing? Does someone have a strategy? My boss has become a bit annoyed because she has no appt. What can I do?
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Definitely will help you to have your boss "double-jack" on a few calls to give you some ideas on handling objections. I'm very pro-cold calling

    Fred's on the right path in terms of association particiaption...but that has to come from your boss, not you.

    You can also have your boss write an article/white paper on the subject and submit to professional organization OR send that as a mailer. Just make sure you follow-up within 72 hours.

    If you e-mail me your phone script I can take a look at it for you,

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Why don't you PAY them for an appointment? Arrange a time as a client and then give them your presentation, that way you are paying them to listen to your sales pitch.

    Also you might want to try searching the archive, as similar questions have been asked be for.

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