
Topic: Strategy

Marketing Approach For New Software Product

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
hello sirs,
We have made a Software product and it was done after the market reasearch. now we are struggling to find a marketing strategy to sell it.

will apporaching the customer directly by marketing people do?
how to make the customers realise the value of our product?
how to give the introduction to our product to customer?
Any other approach - which you suggest?
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    One factor leading to success in business is "focusing on your core competancies". Possibly your company is quite good at developing, and maybe even supporting, software. Apparently your company is not so good at marketing software.

    I personally have marketed software for 20 years. Many on this forum have successfully developed and managed campaigns to promote and sell software. It is not reasonable to assume that we can summarize all our experience, for free, in response to your question. And, without much more specific info about the product, our advice would be general at best.

    Since Marketing is not your strength, you need to select a marketing company to help you. I do not know your position within the company (e.g. you may have been tasked with Marketing... or you may be a frustrated software developer, I have no idea...) - but if you contact me offline (click my profile to the right) I'll be happy to spend 15 minutes on the phone at no charge, and offer the best advice I can.

    Good luck.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    I guess Raz is too busy failing with his business, Randall, to participate in this conversation.

    Oh, well!

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